December 7, 2016
Want loads of downloads for your book?
Then participate in the Scandalous Reads - Stocking Stuffers Giveaway & Download Deals Day!
Your book must be 99c or free erotica/romance/seasonal/holiday* on Wednesday, December 7, 2016. You need to be willing to promote the deal to your newsletter subscribers, social media fans and followers, etc.
*P.S. Your book can be either erotica, romance, seasonal OR holiday.
Sound good?
Then a one-time $5 participation fee will secure your spot!
A conservative estimate of our social reach in a past campaign is over 200,000.
The Scandalous Reads subscriber list alone has 15,000.
So we have plenty of readers out there for you, waiting to hear about your book!
What’s MORE--
For an additional $15 we have ten author newsletter subscriber spots available, on a first-come-first-served basis, for each genre-specific giveaway. We will be launching three genres to accommodate ten authors each this holiday season:
~ Contemporary ~ Erotica ~ Paranormal ~
Want thousands of new readers subscribing to your mailing list? You’ve come to the right place! The participating authors will have their names featured on the giveaway page to increase their exposure and alert upcoming subscribers to the newsletters they will be receiving. This must be one of the cheapest author subscription services available on the market!
Sign Up Here!
Please share this opportunity with fellow authors.
We’d love to get at least 50 - 100 book listings
to make this stuff your eReader campaign go down with a holiday-style bang!
** All participating authors will be required to share via their newsletters, Facebook or Twitter to ensure a successful campaign. Although the giveaway will be shared with over 200,000 Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest followers, downloads cannot be guaranteed. **